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vand 5 discuri originale muzica rock

Scris: 25 Ian 2010, 20:52
de sorinb
Vand 5 discuri originale muzica rock:
- PROPHET - "Cycle of the moon" - 1988 Atlantic Recording
- KISS - "Smashes, Thrashes & Hits" - 1988 PolyGram Records( New York)
- KISS - "Turn on the night" - 1985-1987 - PolyGram Records ( New York)
- HURRICANE - "Over the edge" - 1988 - Enigma Records ( Canada)
- TIGERTAILZ - "Young and crazy" - 1988 - Music for nations ( England)

La cele de mai sus se mai adauga bonus:
- Scorpions - "Savage Amusement" ( nu e original)
- Public Enemy - " Welcome to the terror dome" ( original) - 1989 - CBS Records

Nu am idee cat sa cer pe ele, astept oferte de la cei pasionati ;)
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Re: vand 5 discuri originale muzica rock

Scris: 26 Ian 2010, 21:03
de sorinb
Discurile s-au dat, au ajuns la un pasionat, ceea ce ma bucura ;-)
Se poate inchide, multumesc.