Ce sa aleg ?
Ce sa aleg ?
Am de ales intre cele 2 de mai jos .
Are cineva ?
Sunteti multumiti ?
Aveti vreo alta recomandare ?
Ma intereseaza in principal un "adapost" "umbrela" etc pentru vara , care sa fie usor si sa se monteze cat mai repede .
Multumesc !
"TFG F8 Day Shelter" This is, without doubt, the quickest, easiest fishing day shelter you will ever set up. With guaranteed all weather protection, the TFGear F8 Fishing Day Shelter should be the first choice for all anglers.
> Erected in seconds
> 3,000mm hydrostatic head
> 100% waterproof guarenteed
> Heavy Duty 6oz denier fabric
> Extra tough ribs to withstand strong winds
> In-built pole panel to enable efficient pole shipping
> Supplied with high quality steel pegs
> The ultimate day session shelter
"Chub Snooper Shelter" The SnooperTM Shelter is perfect for short day sessions or summer overnighters, when a full bivvy system is not required. The two rib design is both lightweight and compact due to its rigid, 5-section aluminium 6061 poles. The shelter is also quick to erect, by means of easy to connect aluminium poles.
A rigid frame support system produces exceptional stability in strong winds. Comes complete with carry bag and moulded T-pegs, offering amazing value for money. The SnooperTM shelter is a superior alternative to the traditional brolly. Having no internal spokes and room to accommodate most bedchairs, giving improved all round protection.
Rigid 5-section 6061 aluminium poles
Lightweight 2-rib design
Ultra stable rigid frame support
Packs down compactly for easy transportation
Supplied with T-pegs and carry bag
"Umbrela Prologic Ovall" 98” (250cm) Oval Umbrella w. ground sheet
- Deluxe Oval umbrella
- Hydrostatic pressure 5000mm Polyester textile
- Double taped stitching
- Storm poles: 2 X Feather-weigth Stick 100-140cm
- 2 x Feather-weight Stick 70-100cm both Ringlock adapt-able
- PVC coated groundsheet
- Deluxe groundpegs
- Oversized double stitched carrybag
Are cineva ?
Sunteti multumiti ?
Aveti vreo alta recomandare ?
Ma intereseaza in principal un "adapost" "umbrela" etc pentru vara , care sa fie usor si sa se monteze cat mai repede .
Multumesc !
"TFG F8 Day Shelter" This is, without doubt, the quickest, easiest fishing day shelter you will ever set up. With guaranteed all weather protection, the TFGear F8 Fishing Day Shelter should be the first choice for all anglers.
> Erected in seconds
> 3,000mm hydrostatic head
> 100% waterproof guarenteed
> Heavy Duty 6oz denier fabric
> Extra tough ribs to withstand strong winds
> In-built pole panel to enable efficient pole shipping
> Supplied with high quality steel pegs
> The ultimate day session shelter
"Chub Snooper Shelter" The SnooperTM Shelter is perfect for short day sessions or summer overnighters, when a full bivvy system is not required. The two rib design is both lightweight and compact due to its rigid, 5-section aluminium 6061 poles. The shelter is also quick to erect, by means of easy to connect aluminium poles.
A rigid frame support system produces exceptional stability in strong winds. Comes complete with carry bag and moulded T-pegs, offering amazing value for money. The SnooperTM shelter is a superior alternative to the traditional brolly. Having no internal spokes and room to accommodate most bedchairs, giving improved all round protection.
Rigid 5-section 6061 aluminium poles
Lightweight 2-rib design
Ultra stable rigid frame support
Packs down compactly for easy transportation
Supplied with T-pegs and carry bag
"Umbrela Prologic Ovall" 98” (250cm) Oval Umbrella w. ground sheet
- Deluxe Oval umbrella
- Hydrostatic pressure 5000mm Polyester textile
- Double taped stitching
- Storm poles: 2 X Feather-weigth Stick 100-140cm
- 2 x Feather-weight Stick 70-100cm both Ringlock adapt-able
- PVC coated groundsheet
- Deluxe groundpegs
- Oversized double stitched carrybag
- Driscu Radu
- senior
- Mesaje: 421
- Membru din: 18 Dec 2007, 20:12
Re: Ce sa aleg ?
La ce preturi au umbrele respective mi-as lua un crucian 2 sau un mistral si as fii mult mai castigat.Crucian 2 dispune de montare rapida prin tensionare.
Re: Ce sa aleg ?
Acesta este crucian 2 ? de la energoteam ?
sau despre ce vorbesti ? ...
Costa 450 ron , este chiar atat de bun pe cat il lauda cei de la energo ?
Primele 2 umbrele pe care le-am prezentat sunt la 75 de lire bucata ... adica 350 ron
sau despre ce vorbesti ? ...
Costa 450 ron , este chiar atat de bun pe cat il lauda cei de la energo ?
Primele 2 umbrele pe care le-am prezentat sunt la 75 de lire bucata ... adica 350 ron
- Driscu Radu
- senior
- Mesaje: 421
- Membru din: 18 Dec 2007, 20:12
Re: Ce sa aleg ?
Am stat intr-un crucian 24h pe ploaie fara nici o problema,(nu a prins condens)este ideal pentru o persoana care nu prea sta pe balta(partide de maxim 24-48h), si nu merge decat pana la sf. lui septembrie pe noapte.Iar la pretul de 430 lei credema nu prea gasesti ceva nou de genul asta.
Re: Ce sa aleg ?
Am inteles , multumesc frumos de sfat , dar avem deja un cort de 4 persoane care , adevarat se monteaza cam greut , dar este foarte bune .. acum cautam doar o umbrela , adapost sau cum ii zice ...
Opiniile altora sunt binevenite
Opiniile altora sunt binevenite
- Driscu Radu
- senior
- Mesaje: 421
- Membru din: 18 Dec 2007, 20:12
Re: Ce sa aleg ?
Are si energo ceva de genul asta sau mosela 250-300 lei si sunt cu impermiabilitate 3000.
- misu_sipanu
- Veteran
- Mesaje: 872
- Membru din: 03 Dec 2008, 09:36
- Localitate: eforie nord
- Contact:
Re: Ce sa aleg ?
Eu am o umbrela sau umbrar cumvrei sa i zici.E Kkarp sint multumit,o folosesc in multe feluri,se monteaza usor.etc.
Re: Ce sa aleg ?
Imi puteti arata o poza orientativa cu umbrarul dle. Sipanu ?
Re: Ce sa aleg ?
chiar nu are nimeni nici unul din astea 3 umbrare ?
- misu_sipanu
- Veteran
- Mesaje: 872
- Membru din: 03 Dec 2008, 09:36
- Localitate: eforie nord
- Contact:
Re: Ce sa aleg ?
Imi pare rau de intirzierea raspunsului,am fost inzapezit rau,netu nu mergea,mi a murit un coleg de club,sint varza.
Cred ca pot sa ti pun o poza de pe catalogul kkarp.Sau daca esti din Ct.treci prin Eforie Nord.
Cred ca pot sa ti pun o poza de pe catalogul kkarp.Sau daca esti din Ct.treci prin Eforie Nord.
Re: Ce sa aleg ?
E magazinul de langa BRD nu ?
Maine sunteti pe acolo ?
Maine sunteti pe acolo ?
Re: Ce sa aleg ?
Am gasit mai demult asta pe net...care mai stiti mai bagati si voi ...la vara si eu trebuie sa-mi iau un cort !
https://www.gerlinger.de/pdfkatalog/Stu ... _Zelte.pdf
https://www.gerlinger.de/pdfkatalog/Stu ... _Zelte.pdf
Re: Ce sa aleg ?
modelul de la Chub il folosesc de un an si sunt foarte multumit de el, se monteaza usor, greutate redusa, rezistent la furtuni, mici probleme cu condensu 

Re: Ce sa aleg ?
Modelele puse de tinpe ni-ti pot recomanda vreunul, dar iti pot recomanda Trakker Specimen Bivvy/Brolly. Am asa ceva si sunt super multumit de el. Se instaleaza repede si iti ofera protectie pt ca are si fata care se poate inchide. Eu am stat cu el la o partida de 5 zile din care 3 a plouat aproape continu si abea in ultima noapte de ploaie a inceput sa faca condens, dar doar pt ca am lasat ferestrele "deschise" pana seara tarziu.
Il gasescti pe carpio. Si ii poti pune si un winterskin, se potriveste cel de la Prologic, care l-ai prezentat tu mai sus.
Il gasescti pe carpio. Si ii poti pune si un winterskin, se potriveste cel de la Prologic, care l-ai prezentat tu mai sus.
crafty carper
Mihai Tomescu
Mihai Tomescu
Re: Ce sa aleg ?
Despre acesta vorbesti Mike ?
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