Moderator: florentiniuga
- Qnyx
- Master Admin
- Mesaje: 1257
- Membru din: 25 Ian 2008, 20:30
- Localitate: London - UK / Bucuresti
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Re: aditiv
Eu consider produsele de la Nutrabaits ca fiind de top.
Re: aditiv
produsele de la nutrabaits sint de super top , singura problema , sa fii sigur ca nu sint contrafacute , cumpara doar de la dealeri autorizati sa vinda aceste produse , cu ceea ce se intimpla in Romania , nu m-as mira sa fie mai multe contrafacute , decit originale :mrgreen: .
- ceangau alexandru
- membru activ
- Mesaje: 76
- Membru din: 18 Dec 2007, 17:50
- Localitate: sfantu gheorghe
Re: aditiv
....dai ai incredere...vezi ca sunt retete originale cu dozaje eu folosesc produse sunt cele mai ieftine...dar merita incercat....sanatate....fir intins..!!!!
Re: aditiv
An general nu sunt contra facute,sunt botezate si asta a devenit an RO o moda.Acelasi lucu se c-am atampla si cu mixurile.
Re: aditiv
Uite ce raspunde Ken Townley cand e intrebat de alte nade:
(informatie preluata de pe forumul carpnews)
""Please don't think I was being dismissive of other bait company's products...far from it! There are very few 'bad' bait companies around these days, and Dynamite Baits and Sticky Baits are two of the best. My own carp fishing, however, has been dominated by one company for the past 25 years or so, and that has been Nutrabaits.
I started using a few products that were discovered by Bill Cottam and Tim Paisley (the founders of Nutrabaits) in 1983 and then started as a field tester for a few additives and base mixes in 1984. In 1985 I began work on developing the Addit range of enhancers and attractors, and in 1987, when Nutrabaits was founded, i used their milk protein and birdfood mixes, along with their flavours, oils and natural food liquids. I was instrumental in later sourcing and developing the use of pre-digested fish proteins, first in Big Fish Mix and subsequently in Trigga, Trigga Ice and 3D, and I have also sourced many other products in the Nutrabaits range such as Dried Seaweed, Liquid Kelp, Cream ********, Preservabait and Multimino-PPC, to name but a few.
So I guess you can see that I have been and remain 100% committed to Nutrabaits products and to the company as a whole, which is why I cannot speak with any authority on the mixes, flavours and additives on offer by other bait firms.""
Pe scurt de vreo 25 de ani a ramas fidel Nutrabaits
(informatie preluata de pe forumul carpnews)
""Please don't think I was being dismissive of other bait company's products...far from it! There are very few 'bad' bait companies around these days, and Dynamite Baits and Sticky Baits are two of the best. My own carp fishing, however, has been dominated by one company for the past 25 years or so, and that has been Nutrabaits.
I started using a few products that were discovered by Bill Cottam and Tim Paisley (the founders of Nutrabaits) in 1983 and then started as a field tester for a few additives and base mixes in 1984. In 1985 I began work on developing the Addit range of enhancers and attractors, and in 1987, when Nutrabaits was founded, i used their milk protein and birdfood mixes, along with their flavours, oils and natural food liquids. I was instrumental in later sourcing and developing the use of pre-digested fish proteins, first in Big Fish Mix and subsequently in Trigga, Trigga Ice and 3D, and I have also sourced many other products in the Nutrabaits range such as Dried Seaweed, Liquid Kelp, Cream ********, Preservabait and Multimino-PPC, to name but a few.
So I guess you can see that I have been and remain 100% committed to Nutrabaits products and to the company as a whole, which is why I cannot speak with any authority on the mixes, flavours and additives on offer by other bait firms.""
Pe scurt de vreo 25 de ani a ramas fidel Nutrabaits
- iulian petre
- Veteran
- Mesaje: 1392
- Membru din: 10 Feb 2008, 02:19
- Localitate: BUCURESTI/zona Pantelimon
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Re: aditiv
-----------------------------------------roberto scrie:ma numesc roberto sunt nou printre dumneavoastra am si eu o intrebare daca sunt bune produsele de la nutrabait va multumesc pt raspuns
depinde si mine mixurile de bile nu sunt pe placut pestilor nostrii din baltile de concurs chiar daca sunt de o calitate mai schimb multimino si nutramino sunt letale.....

- ceangau alexandru
- membru activ
- Mesaje: 76
- Membru din: 18 Dec 2007, 17:50
- Localitate: sfantu gheorghe
Re: aditiv
.......?????????????? nu inteleg nimic!!! le servesti la micdejun...?????iulian petre scrie:-----------------------------------------roberto scrie:ma numesc roberto sunt nou printre dumneavoastra am si eu o intrebare daca sunt bune produsele de la nutrabait va multumesc pt raspuns
depinde si mine mixurile de bile nu sunt pe placut pestilor nostrii din baltile de concurs chiar daca sunt de o calitate mai schimb multimino si nutramino sunt letale.....
- iulian petre
- Veteran
- Mesaje: 1392
- Membru din: 10 Feb 2008, 02:19
- Localitate: BUCURESTI/zona Pantelimon
- Contact:
Re: aditiv
da le servesc pestilor la micul dejun ,la pranz si la cina....
noroc ca stiu de gluma dar intreba-l si pe ANDREI VLADEANU asta ...

Re: aditiv
Pentru nutramino,amino ppc si altele(gen amino) nu cred ca Nutrabaits are vre-un merit special,cel putin asa reiese dintr-un articol scris in AVP, cind, nu mai stiu sigur cine, cred din Team Senzor ,a intrebat se pare un boss de la Nutra, daca au vre-un procedeu special pentru gama amino,reiese ca singura chestie care o fac este sa cumpere an-gro de la fabrica de profil medicamentos si sa le imbutelieze sub sigla Nutrabaits :mrgreen:
Pentru nutramino,amino ppc si altele(gen amino) nu cred ca Nutrabaits are vre-un merit special,cel putin asa reiese dintr-un articol scris in AVP, cind, nu mai stiu sigur cine, cred din Team Senzor ,a intrebat se pare un boss de la Nutra, daca au vre-un procedeu special pentru gama amino,reiese ca singura chestie care o fac este sa cumpere an-gro de la fabrica de profil medicamentos si sa le imbutelieze sub sigla Nutrabaits :mrgreen:
Fir intins!
- iulian petre
- Veteran
- Mesaje: 1392
- Membru din: 10 Feb 2008, 02:19
- Localitate: BUCURESTI/zona Pantelimon
- Contact:
Re: aditiv
asta fac toti......

- sky_sergiu
- membru activ
- Mesaje: 91
- Membru din: 12 Iul 2008, 19:20
- Localitate: buzau
- Contact:
Re: aditiv
aditivii proteici de tip multimino sau nutramino (tot de la nutrabaits as vrea sa incerc in masura in care voi gasi la mine in oras
) pot fi folositi si cu nadele de tip amestec de seminte? de ex eu as vrea sa folosesc un mix de grau porumb canepa eventual ceva nada din comert si sa torn si niste aditivi proteici peste.