Stiri...proaste din UK si din NL

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Membru din: 13 Apr 2009, 16:58

Stiri...proaste din UK si din NL

Mesaj de Amstel » 13 Mar 2010, 19:33

£250,000 worth of carp are seized and destroyed at Dover
By Angling Times
10 March 2010 12:00

The biggest-ever illegal shipment of smuggled carp worth a staggering £250,000 has been seized at Dover by UK authorities.

In the early hours of Friday, February 26, a Volvo FH12 lorry was searched by Border Agency officers and 120 carp weighing between 25lb and 50lb were discovered in four oxygen-fed containers.

All the French carp were confiscate and destroyed by inspectors from the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Auqaculture Science (Cefas) because of the disease risk they posed.

The lorry driver, a 49-year-old man from West Sussex, has been reported pending possible prosecution while Cefas’ Fish Health Inspectorate (FHI continues its investigation.

“This is the first significant result in a stepped-up battle against illegal imports. I haven’t yet nailed the mastermind behind this smuggling ring, but I’m happy in the knowledge that they’ve now got a mighty big hole in their pocket,” said the FHI’s new enforcement ad investigations officer, Stuart Katon.

News of the bust met with universal approval, with well-known supplier of grown-on carp, fish farmer Mark Simmonds, leading the praise.

“Congratulations to Cefas, which is really on the case when it comes to stamping out deadly fish diseases reaching this country. They’re sure to be closing the net on the others responsible,” said Mark.

Importing live fish without a health check is big business for unscrupulous criminals, whose movement of ‘dodgy’ foreign carp and catfish pose a massive risk to fisheries, not to mention domestic fish farmers and suppliers.

“Someone, somewhere has put up serious money to bring these fish in to the country,” said Mike Heylin, secretary of the Fish Welfare Group and chairman of the Angling Trust.

“The lorry driver is normally just a gopher. Cefas is looking to close the net around ‘Mr Big’ who thinks he can play games with the health of our fisheries just so that he can make money. Hopefully, this hit will have made him think again. Greedy people are always looking to make a fast buck at other people’s expense,” he added.

While one small battle has been won, victory in the larger campaign against smuggling will only be decided by intelligence-led operations carried out by trained professionals like Cefas’ former CID superintendent-turned-enforcement officer.

“As well as working more closely with other agencies to target organised smuggling groups, we’re also stepping up our ‘intel’ gathering to support the fight against illegal imports,” said Stuart.

“To that end, we’ve been working closely with the English Carp Heritage Organisation and the Angling Trust on a Crimestoppers initiative which will be launched soon. That will see cash rewards being offered to anonymous anglers willing to provide information on illegal smuggling operations and the people behind them. The resulting intelligence will allow my team to close in on the ringleaders and put them behind bars,” he added.

Long-time ECHO campaigner Ruth Lockwood, who has been central to raising cash to set up the Crimestoppers scheme, is confident that concerned carpers will support Cefas’ fight to beat the smugglers.

“This was a really big consignment of carp. At £2,000 to £4,000 apiece, these 120 fish must have been destined for a number of different fisheries,” said Ruth.

“We need to gather the necessary ‘intel’ to take down the key players. Anglers will be essential to that, as some of them must know what’s going on. Remember, the real victims of this illegal trade are the fisheries wiped out by disease and the 120 specimen French carp that have had to be killed ¬ all because of the greed of a handful of uncaring criminals,” she added.
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Ultima oară modificat 13 Mar 2010, 19:55 de către Amstel, modificat 1 dată în total.

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Membru din: 13 Apr 2009, 16:58

Re: Crapi in valoare de 250,000 GBP

Mesaj de Amstel » 13 Mar 2010, 19:53

Tone de crap mort pe un lac de langa Amsterdam, cel pe care pescuiam primavara sau partidele f scurte (cauza anuntata de admini - lacul a fost inghetat mult timp iar lumina nu a fost suficienta pentru a activa algele sa produca oxigen).
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Membru din: 27 Dec 2009, 01:09

Re: Stiri...proaste din UK si din NL

Mesaj de tonny » 13 Mar 2010, 20:05

Pacat de bietii "amici de joaca" ai nostrii care nu au mai apucat primavara.Nu stiu ce sa zic,a cui o fii vina? :-??

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Re: Stiri...proaste din UK si din NL

Mesaj de Teddy » 13 Mar 2010, 20:49

“This was a really big consignment of carp. At £2,000 to £4,000 a piece, these 120 fish must have been destined for a number of different fisheries,” said Ruth

Sorine, atat valoreaza un peste intre 25 si 50 de lb Anglia? :O :O :O

Pacat de cei care au murit, oare la noi au avut probleme adminsitratorii in iarna asta lunga?
Dragos Dimache - Pescar sportiv
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Re: Stiri...proaste din UK si din NL

Mesaj de mike_carp » 13 Mar 2010, 21:03

Teddy scrie:“This was a really big consignment of carp. At £2,000 to £4,000 a piece, these 120 fish must have been destined for a number of different fisheries,” said Ruth

Sorine, atat valoreaza un peste intre 25 si 50 de lb Anglia? :O :O :O

Pacat de cei care au murit, oare la noi au avut probleme adminsitratorii in iarna asta lunga?
Teddy, sunt crapi care ajung si la 10000 de lire. Daca situatia din Anglia e de inteles cu distrugerea crapilor, cea din Olanda mi se pare vina administratorilor lacului. Adica ei nu stiu ca pe timp de iarna se fac copci pt ca oxigenul sa patrunda in apa?
Acelasi lucru s-a intamplat si pe un lac din Anglia (de fapt cred ca pe mai multe) si proprietarul se vaita ca-i mor crapii pe capete. Cand i-am zis sa faca copci se uita la mine ca la nave spatiale. Dar dupa ce a facut copci pe tot lacul nu a mai murit nici un peste.
crafty carper
Mihai Tomescu

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Re: Stiri...proaste din UK si din NL

Mesaj de gogu steriade » 14 Mar 2010, 13:09

ce rispipa domne :-?? ca sa vede ca la ei nu sa mananca crap :D si nici nusi da iinteresu sa aeriseasca si ei balta ! #-o putea sa ne intrebe macar pa noi astia mai umblati prin lume (:| cum sa goleste lacu da tot si da alge si da dioxid da carbon si lux faceam acolo ;;) un solz da peste aiurea nu mai gaseai pa jos ;) ca noi santem prieteni la animale si pasaret :x puteti sai intrebati pa austrieci cum le-am scapat pa bietele lebada neagra da la inghet :-h si le-am oferit caldura da la cuptoru propriu si personal ! #:-S
Decat cocosat de munca ,mai bine burtos de bere

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Re: Stiri...proaste din UK si din NL

Mesaj de iulian petre » 14 Mar 2010, 20:07

copcile care se fac "de aerisire" se fac pentru a permite sa intre lumina si "plantele" sa degaje oxigen. Anul asta am aflat de la inginerul piscicol - Chiroiu 4/Green Lake.

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Membru din: 09 Ian 2010, 20:41

Re: Crapi in valoare de 250,000 GBP

Mesaj de iorgu » 16 Mar 2010, 16:33

Amsterdamer scrie:Tone de crap mort pe un lac de langa Amsterdam, cel pe care pescuiam primavara sau partidele f scurte (cauza anuntata de admini - lacul a fost inghetat mult timp iar lumina nu a fost suficienta pentru a activa algele sa produca oxigen).
iulian petre scrie:copcile care se fac "de aerisire" se fac pentru a permite sa intre lumina si "plantele" sa degaje oxigen. Anul asta am aflat de la inginerul piscicol - Chiroiu 4/Green Lake.

Copcile de ,,aerisire'' se fac asa cum sunt si denumite, pentru ,,aerisirea'' apei cand este inghetata. Operatia se numeste in termen piscicol <<crearea de orificii in gheata pentru ,,degazeificarea substantelor toxice din mediul acvatic'', provenite de la intrarea in putrefactie a florei si faunei subacvatice, pe timpul iernii>>. Odata cu incheierea unui ciclu vegetal, inflorescentele si ramificatiile verzi ale plantelor, anumite moluste si vietuitoare, cad pe substrat si prin descompunere elibereaza foarte multe gaze toxice.
Acele bule pe care le-am vazut cu toti in dreptul copcilor iarna, sunt alveole de gaze provenite din semi-turba substratului acvatic. Daca nu au orificii de iesire, sufoca aproape tot ce exista in mediul acvatic, mai ales daca este o iarna lunga si grea.
Departe de mine gandul de a contrazice pe cineva in acest subiect, dar pentru corecta informare a utilizatorilor acestui site, mi-am permis sa fac aceasta postere.

Ocroteste natura, merita!

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