> vreau sa adorm in brate ce ma strang,
> dar ma trezesc singura...
> ma prefac ca dorm
> pana la sosirea ta...
> -------------------------------------
> daca nu cred in iubire, nimic nu-i bun...
> daca nu cred in iubire, nimic nu dureaza pentru mine...
> -------------------------------------
> cknd nu cred in iubire, de ce-ti pasa de mine?...
> cknd nu cred in iubire, nimic nu-i real pentru mine...
> daca nu cred in iubire, te-apropii prea mult de mine...
> de-aceea trebuie sa pleci...
> poate c-am dormit duios,
> pe umarul tau, in bratele tale calde...
> dar acum, in zori,
> nu-ti zaresc zmbetul...
> in secunda in care-ti simt minile
> ce le cauta pe-ale mele,
> alunec si dispar...
> mi-ai acordat prea mult timp...
> -------------------------------------
> daca nu cred in iubire
> nu-mi va ramne nimic...
> daca nu cred in iubire,
> tu esti prea bun pentru mine...
> -------------------------------------
> I wanna go to bed with
> arms around me
> But wake up on my own
> Pretend that I'm still sleeping
> Til' you go home
> Oh I can't look at you this morning
> I should probably have a sign
> That says 'Leave right now or quicker'
> You've overstayed your time
> If I don't believe in love nothing will last for me
> If I don't believe in love nothing is safe for me
> When I don't believe in love you're too close to me
> And that's why you have to leave
> Maybe I slept peaceful on your shoulder
> Your arm warm around my side
> But it's different now, it's morning
> And I can't face your smile
> The second that I feel your safe hands
> Reaching out for mine
> I slip away and out of sight
> You've overstayed your time
> If I don't believe in love nothing is good for me
> If I don't believe in love nothing will last for me
> When I don't believe in love nothing is new for me
> Nothing is wrong for me
> And nothing is real for me
> When I don't believe in love why do you care for me?
> When I don't believe in love nothing is real for me
> If I don't believe in love you're getting to close
> to me
> And that's why you have to leave
> And that's why you have to leave
> If I don't believe in love
> If I don't believe in love
> If I don't believe in love
> Nothing is left for me
> If I don't believe in love
> You're too good for me