They are however STRANGE !!!!!
To better help the rest of us understand the Romanians I thought it time to publish a guide on how to deal with them;
On advice; Now, there is only one way for a Romanian to do anything, and that is HIS way. A normal exchange on the subject always goes along similar lines;
“Hey Jeff, where is the best fishing at the moment”
“Well the Old Road is fishing good, Hoople is on fire and two 30’s came off the Last Bridge yesterday”
.”Ok, I think I will fish Dickenson”
” If you are going on Dickenson, we have been getting all the fish close in on the margin there”.
Emmm, OK….. Give me four of those 5 ounce distance leads and one of the Korda long range spods”
On tackle; [/b]Romanians (God bless them) have to have the best of the best.
‘Jeff. I think I need a new reel”
“No problems, take a look at this one, I had a special deal on these, they are great reels and I can do them for $115.00”
“They’re nice, Give me two of those Shimanos for $250.00 each”
On bait; Taking a look in a Romanians bait bag is like looking into the kit bag of a mad scientist. There will be all manor of weird dips, lotions and potions. Beans, peas and corn soaking in strange smelling oils, Mumalika ( some weird corn flour concoction they all love) with 5 different flavors and two different densities, one for the hook and another for a form of method balls.
As to boilies. NEVER ask a Romanian about his boilies, most of you are only out with me for a week and you simply do not have the time for this debate. They will have EVERYTHING, mostly top secret recipes sent in by friends from Romania. A typical boilies conversation in my shop goes along the lines of:
“What are they hitting on at the moment Jeff”
“Most of the fish are coming on two small, bright yellow sweet flavor baits, Scopex or Pineapple”
“Emmm. Then I think I will use my dark brown, Anchovy and Ant Sperm donkey chokers sent to me by #$#@@#$ [This will be some unpronounceable name from back home] They worked well for the national team in the 1957carp classic.”
As to ground baits; I swear some of their concoctions have at least 3 Michelin stars and are obviously prepared especially by gourmet chefs.
On drinking; I believe I am correct in saying that it is statutory law in Romania that you must drink at all times when fishing, and that the great Romanian fish god has dictated that if you don’t drink you don’t catch. Further you should have a drink, before fishing to keep away the chills and also one after to celebrate or commiserate the days catch. The first and most important item into a Romanian tackle bag is the 12 pack of beer, this is neatly wedged into place by the flask of plumb brandy and a plastic water bottle of some kind of home made Vodka the name of which currently escapes me.
However I must warn British anglers visiting with the Romanians, they will ALWAYS offer you a drink….. beer is beer, the plumb brandy is delicious but this other stuff !!!! It burns all the way down into your stomach, sits there like a smoldering volcano for twenty minutes and then burns the end of your dick when you take a piss.
I must say I cannot actually remember seeing a drunken Romanian; this may be due to the high levels of competitive drink training they undergo, or could be because I pass out before they get fully warmed up.
On food: When a Brit arrives the first question is always “How is the fishing” with a Romanian it is “where is the barbecue kept” For those Brits starting to twitch about now, don’t worry there are no carp cooked at our motel. Rather, the Romanians will bring out a dazzling display or marinated meats, home made sausages, salads, cheeses, sauces and of course strange liquors and wines to wash it down with. They will bring enough to share with anyone in the vicinity (just in case the Communists get back into power and the rationing starts again) and believe me; do not turn down the offer if you get the chance. Christ knows what half the stuff they give you is, but it always tastes great.
On nationalism; They are the proudest nation on earth. Romanian carp fight harder from the Danube and grow bigger in Raduta Their women are the most beautiful, their men the best singers, their food the best tasting and their drinks second to none. Don’t even bother to argue with them, who knows? At least some of the claims may be true, so just enjoy the food, try to avoid the dodgy vodka and all will be well.
As to fishing: Are they any good? Well 4 out of the largest 5 carp caught (to my knowledge) at Long Sault have been caught by Romanians. But personally I think they are just lucky.
So there is the guide, and you have been warned, and to my Romanian friends I have only one thing to say………………………………..
ELIBERATI PESTII ......DOAR ASA IL AJUTAM PE JEFF SA-SI PLATEASCA IMPRUMUTURILE LA BANCA . As fi putut sa il traduc , dar nu mai are acelasi farmec , sper ca va placut